Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Simple Beginning

I've decided to start writing again. And this time I'll make my writings public. Not because they're special or deserve to be read, but somehow I feel my written word has far more power to strike a chord with someone than my spoken words can.

First things first, I'm the mother of three wonderful children. My oldest, Scott, is 7 about to turn 8. My daughter Annie is 6, and my youngest, Ethan, is 4. I'm not with their father anymore but we do our best to share a 50/50 custody arrangement in a civil and respectful way. Each of my children bring something different to the table, each one will contribute in different ways to this world. Hopefully I can be the strong, faithful, loving mommy I need to be in order to raise respectful gentlemen and a proper lady. Hopefully my fight against what society says is "the proper way" to raise my kids will be won with poise, dignity, and above all, the desired results.

Second- why "The Proper Way to Eat Cheerios"? When I was in middle school, I realized I felt bad when I would leave cheerios (or any other type of cereal) in my bowl when I was finished. I somehow felt as if washing them down the drain was like taking away their purpose, the reason they were created. So I decided that everyone should eat cheerios like that, never taking away their purpose, their hopes, their dreams. Therefore I needed to write a book about it... which I've never done. But now I've created a blog and used my book title from my childhood to create a virtual place for me to explain the proper way to eat cheerios, as well as other life observances, thoughts, experiences, and probably rants and vents. (Forewarning- I use a lot of metaphors. And if you comment, great! However my blog is not a place to debate your views/thoughts/points against mine. But feel free to start your own blog to object to mine.)

Hope you enjoy my writing and I pray some of my words will inspire, illuminate, and/or bring a smile to your face.


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