Thursday, August 5, 2010

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Do you remember as a "tween" or even as a teenager thinking how your life was going to END if that certain boy didn't like you back? Or the drama that ensued when your best friend ended up going out with that certain boy? Or the clicks, rumors, meeting spots, social events and status that seemed like life and death? Do you remember your parents consoling you through heartaches, BFF fights, and embarrassing moments telling you "Trust me, in ten years it won't matter to you."

I remember my dad telling me that all the time. "Why do you worry about what that person thinks? In ten years you probably won't even remember their name." And now, as I approach my thirties and my ten year reunion and parenting a pre-tweener, I realize how much I wish the drama and problems of my teenage years were the worst I had ever faced.... Oh how much adults actually have to deal with. No longer are there nights spent awake wondering if Prince Charming thinks you're pretty or even knows you exist. Now nights are spent awake unwillingly due to an attack of multiple thoughts at once... No more sugar plums, now its schedules, bills, weddings, kids birthday parties, grocery shopping, team sports, growth spurts meaning more clothes, car maintenance, doctor/dentist checkups, childcare, schoolwork, etc etc. And that's just on a normal day... forget about the days you have a flat tire, get in a fender bender, lose your keys, spill a gallon of milk, lock yourself out of your house, run late for work or picking up the kids, forget to put the uniforms in the car, or a number of other possibilities.

Things also become more intricate. Instead of the decision between right and wrong being as simple as whether to take a hit or not, take a swig or not, cheat on the test or not.... it has become much more complicated with gray lines that have been smudged and re-drawn too many times, with angry mobs of people waiting on either side to point out exactly why your decision was wrong, immoral, unfair, too fair, too emotional, too cold and so on and so on.

It's kind of like everyone forgot there was a handbook to life. I know I did. It's called the Bible. Pretty clear cut. And that's what I'm going to do now, go talk to the Author and read His words.

Good Night.